Viral Food

Last week, I read a post on Harper’s Bazaar about which food was trending the year you were born (In case you wondered why I even opened that link, I guess I have made it clear after that sentence). I was obviously intrigued to know which food starred my birth year *drum roll* Truffles! I…

How’s your food? ‘Beautiful!’

Let me start by saying how much I love Instagram as a social platform. It awakens the photographer in me (I’ve decided I can take good pictures), I think Instagram does that to everyone. Anyways, I enjoy updating my Instagram, on a personal level. From a work perspective, It’s a bit different. Instagram opened a…

That very first post

So I’ve been thinking about getting on with my blog for a while. A while is like a year now, that i even booked the name a few months ago (that’s January to you). And here I am writing my first post in July. It’s that busy at work, it’s that busy to keep up…